This is quite hard for me to say since I am a Coca Cola girl at heart, but I LOVE PepSi... Now, all of you initiated people must know that I don't mean the drink. I admit, I have been shockingly slow at cathcing on to this. I Mean, not even AfterEllen's mention of this show really got me interested cause I'd been so disappointed at other soaps/series that tried to feature gay story lines, but with "Los Hombres de Paco" - that's right I said it, and now ya'll KNOW which PepeSi I'm talking about - they didn't just try, they fucking DID it!!!
Again, t'was the wonder of YouTube that finally got me to catch on. Just like with "Mistresses" I was watching yet another compilation of the best lesbian kisses - that means hottest og sweetest and not horny/porn, and there are TONS of both - when I see a scene from "Los Hombres de Paco" and I am HOOKED! I was home sick, and let me tell you, I have never wanted to be sicker in my life... Now, first of all, if you still don't know what the hell I'm talking about then watch this little compilation of scenes between them:
And now jump, run, scream, tremble your way to the YouTube channel of my new hero: PepsiEnglish. Oh yes, PepsiEnglish of YouTube FAME and ADORATION!!! This most wonderful and amazing Goddess like creature has uploaded all the Pepa and Silvia (aka PepSi) scenes AND subtitled them for all us poor "no hablo espaƱol"-people. But now I am SO learning Spanish, and this is helping me tons - I have three life goals for myself; Learn to drive, Learn to play the guitar and learn Spanish. So far I only have the driver's license and OWN a guitar, so I need to up my game!
In any case: PepsiEnglish, I salute you and thank you ever so much. You are nothing short of a hero to the lesbians of the world - and no, that is NOT going too far! :o)
Happy happy happy,
- GayGirl
P.S. I am STILL a Coca Cola girl (or Diet Coke, to be exact) and not even this will change that. I am the most loyal person, so if Madonna (adore her) og Cindy Crawford (poster over my bed during my teen years is still very clear in my mind... the woman practically forced me to admit my homosexual tendencies) doing commercials for Pepsi didn't sway me, then nothing will. Besides, Katarina Witt - aka 'Sex on Ice' and 'The Beatiful face of Communism' (not that she was a communist, but she was from East Germany, so by default she officially had to be) - did a Diet Coke commercial, which set things right again.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
At last, I am back... I simply had to share.
best kisses,
lesbian lovestory,
Los Hombres de Paco,
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I highly recommend...
Okay, so I was just bumming around YouTube a bit to find some music. Just something to have in the background while I work - even though I almost always return to one of my old favorites, I DO also find something new and great once in a while. ANYWAY, I actually discovered a great BBC series one time, when I was just "YouTube bumming", and I thought I'd share my found treasure with you. That's just the sweet kind of GayGirl I am. ;o)
I was looking at some "best kisses" compilation videos (oh yes, t'was the lesbian kind), when I saw a clip I didn't recognize. And that doesn't happen often, since Wifey and I buy pretty much everything remotely decent looking. This one, however, we'd missed and (Thank the Goddess!), the beautiful soul who made the compilation, also included the titles it had been made from. That made it very easy to single out the new wonder: "Mistresses".
Checked it out real quick, and people were impressed and happy with it, so I bought it immediately and never looked back. In any case, here is a compilation video made by someone else, and only containing clips from "Mistresses".
Oh, and FYI, there are more (others, longer and hotter) scenes in the series, so this is merely a teaser. Amazon has it here.
- GayGirl
I was looking at some "best kisses" compilation videos (oh yes, t'was the lesbian kind), when I saw a clip I didn't recognize. And that doesn't happen often, since Wifey and I buy pretty much everything remotely decent looking. This one, however, we'd missed and (Thank the Goddess!), the beautiful soul who made the compilation, also included the titles it had been made from. That made it very easy to single out the new wonder: "Mistresses".
Checked it out real quick, and people were impressed and happy with it, so I bought it immediately and never looked back. In any case, here is a compilation video made by someone else, and only containing clips from "Mistresses".
Oh, and FYI, there are more (others, longer and hotter) scenes in the series, so this is merely a teaser. Amazon has it here.
- GayGirl
best kisses,
compilation video,
YouTube bumming
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Feel like a good laugh?
Okay, I know this is hardly anything new, but every couple of months, I re-discover it and have a good laugh. This time, I figured I should share it with you all:
Of course, it's something by The Ellen 'cause she can ALWAYS make me laugh.
When I fell across good ol' Gladys in the above clip, I was actually looking for the first scene I ever remember seeing Ellen in. I remember the exact moment, since I nearly peed my pants and felt an instant connection with this fabulous, goofy, sweet and funny person.
Anyway, I'll get back to you with that when I find it. :o)
- GG
Of course, it's something by The Ellen 'cause she can ALWAYS make me laugh.
When I fell across good ol' Gladys in the above clip, I was actually looking for the first scene I ever remember seeing Ellen in. I remember the exact moment, since I nearly peed my pants and felt an instant connection with this fabulous, goofy, sweet and funny person.
Anyway, I'll get back to you with that when I find it. :o)
- GG
ellen degeneres,
ellen morgan,
the ellen
Friday, July 3, 2009
QAF Mama and Mrs. Madrigal both go gay
OH... MY... GOD!!!
So, as always, I make sure to spend my Friday reading the latest installment of's "Best.Lesbian.Week.Ever", and then on page three there's a story on upcoming movie called "Hannah Free" starring Sharon Gless as a lesbian!

And I LOVE Sharon Gless... though the movie sounds like a pretty sad and tough lovestory, it's in a "The Notebook"-sorta way, and I ADORE "The Notebook" (makes me cry every single time).

Anyway, I'm all excited about this fantastic woman from "Cagney and Lacey" and "Queer as Folk"-fame playing a lesbian, in a lovestory type deal, when I get to page six and now it's Olympia Dukakis playing a lesbian in the upcoming movie "Cloudburst", which is a roadtrip type movie along the line of "Thelma and Louise"... Could you die?! I am SO excited by this... Mrs. Madrigal (from Armistead Maupin's "Tales of the City", in you're uninitiated) will play a lesbian.

Oh, and her lover of 30 years will be the brilliant Irish actress Brenda Fricker.
I have really high hopes for both of these movies, and simply relish the idea of having movies with lesbian lovestories that don't revolve solely around 20-something girls. I'm a 20-something girl, but I want movies portraying what I'll have with my Wifey 30 years from now - as well as portraits of our lives now, of course. I'm not giving up on that. ;o)
- GG
So, as always, I make sure to spend my Friday reading the latest installment of's "Best.Lesbian.Week.Ever", and then on page three there's a story on upcoming movie called "Hannah Free" starring Sharon Gless as a lesbian!

And I LOVE Sharon Gless... though the movie sounds like a pretty sad and tough lovestory, it's in a "The Notebook"-sorta way, and I ADORE "The Notebook" (makes me cry every single time).

Anyway, I'm all excited about this fantastic woman from "Cagney and Lacey" and "Queer as Folk"-fame playing a lesbian, in a lovestory type deal, when I get to page six and now it's Olympia Dukakis playing a lesbian in the upcoming movie "Cloudburst", which is a roadtrip type movie along the line of "Thelma and Louise"... Could you die?! I am SO excited by this... Mrs. Madrigal (from Armistead Maupin's "Tales of the City", in you're uninitiated) will play a lesbian.

Oh, and her lover of 30 years will be the brilliant Irish actress Brenda Fricker.
I have really high hopes for both of these movies, and simply relish the idea of having movies with lesbian lovestories that don't revolve solely around 20-something girls. I'm a 20-something girl, but I want movies portraying what I'll have with my Wifey 30 years from now - as well as portraits of our lives now, of course. I'm not giving up on that. ;o)
- GG
armistead maupin,
cagney and lacey,
lesbian lovestory,
new movies,
Olympia Dukakis,
Queer as Folk,
Sharon Gless,
tales of the city
Monday, June 29, 2009
Image of Monday: Kiss Me...
Image of Monday
Thursday, June 25, 2009
How about both versions of the VF shoot?
Okay, sure, it's just a quick pec on the lips... but it is a kiss, and you KNOW they would've focused on this if it had been with one of the male co-stars. But it's okay to kiss another girl (thank you, Katy Perry, LOL). Well, you know, as long as you don't like it TOO much and actually want to do it when nobody's watching. ;o)
Anyway, after viewing the official VF shoot footage above, I stumbled across the "full" version on my beloved YouTube. In this complete version the girls are dancing and well - the video shows this, so don't take my word for it - they simply cannot keep their hands off of each other for even two seconds. Below is the uncut version, which a kind soul uploaded with the comment:
This is just for those Nikki Reed/Kristen Stewart fans out there who raised an eyebrow at the edited VF shoot.
It's sweet, it's wonderful and it must've been love (of SOME kind, anyway)...
LOVING the love,
- GayGirl
edited version,
Kristen Stewart,
Nikki Reed,
on the lips,
Vanity Fair,
New tattoo?
No, this isn't about Nikki Reed or Kristen Stewart or any other famous person... It's just lil' ol' me. ;o)
You see, one of my treats for when I have my body is to get a tattoo. Well, one more, actually. I got my first tattoo ten years ago this summer, so I think it's high time for another. I have more than one planned too, but just one at a time. Oh, and they're all hidden so far, and I plan on keeping it that way. If anything, I'd go for the wrist, foot or inside of my lower arm near my elbow, but for the current and next one, you need to catch me in a bikini to see it.
The first is on my lower stomach and I got it when I was about umm maybe 20-25 pounds lighter. I was a bit on the heavy side, but being a vegetarian for 18 months and coming to terms (happily, I might add) with being gay really helped me shed the weight. Unfortunately, being happy and comfortable, has meant the weight has crept on again during the years. I've already lost a good 10 pounds now, so I need about 10 more for starters. I became too thin back in my veggie days, but this was after the tattoo. I'd really like to go vegetarian again - it's easier to control my food intake and morally I'd feel a lot better, but it just seems to scare people a bit (especially my mom is scared I'll get too thin again) and also, it's a bit of an inconvinience. Not to me, mind you, but everyone else perceives it that way. Just one of my little battles, I suppose.
ANYWAY, back on track: Tattoo! Hmm, I suppose my old tattoo could be described as being close to the hip bone, but it's not quite as low as I would've liked. LOL, or maybe it's just my gaining and losing weight that has me confused about where it was versus where it is now. In any case, I still love it, and have no regrets about getting it - though it does need a touch-up and maybe I'll add something to it.
But my next tattoo - which is what this post was initially supposed to be about, before I got a rambling attack - is going to be a quote from Braveheart. I've been struggling with what I wanted, but I was pretty sure I wanted a quote, and suddenly I stumbled across an old e-mail I sent myself with quotes for future tattoos and it all came back to me. I've ALWAYS wanted this, and somehow I'd forgotten.
Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.
Wifey actually made a sketch for me with this quote in latin and some artwork around it about 6 years ago. Back then I wanted it placed on my lower back, but I was never quite pleased - or at ease - with the idea and look of it. But now I know what I want: Just the quote in a cool font and on the left side of my torso (near my heart). Like this one, but still different:

I don't have the sketch ready yet, but I will soon and we're booking an appointment with a tattoo place soon, so I'll have that as an incentive to get totally toned by then. October is the plan, and it'll be Wifey and my birthday present to one another. Oh yeah, she's getting one too. Her first one. Nothing like mine and in a different spot... it'll be an amazing experience.
Anyone has any experience with getting tattooed in that area of your body?
- Gaygirl
You see, one of my treats for when I have my body is to get a tattoo. Well, one more, actually. I got my first tattoo ten years ago this summer, so I think it's high time for another. I have more than one planned too, but just one at a time. Oh, and they're all hidden so far, and I plan on keeping it that way. If anything, I'd go for the wrist, foot or inside of my lower arm near my elbow, but for the current and next one, you need to catch me in a bikini to see it.
The first is on my lower stomach and I got it when I was about umm maybe 20-25 pounds lighter. I was a bit on the heavy side, but being a vegetarian for 18 months and coming to terms (happily, I might add) with being gay really helped me shed the weight. Unfortunately, being happy and comfortable, has meant the weight has crept on again during the years. I've already lost a good 10 pounds now, so I need about 10 more for starters. I became too thin back in my veggie days, but this was after the tattoo. I'd really like to go vegetarian again - it's easier to control my food intake and morally I'd feel a lot better, but it just seems to scare people a bit (especially my mom is scared I'll get too thin again) and also, it's a bit of an inconvinience. Not to me, mind you, but everyone else perceives it that way. Just one of my little battles, I suppose.
ANYWAY, back on track: Tattoo! Hmm, I suppose my old tattoo could be described as being close to the hip bone, but it's not quite as low as I would've liked. LOL, or maybe it's just my gaining and losing weight that has me confused about where it was versus where it is now. In any case, I still love it, and have no regrets about getting it - though it does need a touch-up and maybe I'll add something to it.
But my next tattoo - which is what this post was initially supposed to be about, before I got a rambling attack - is going to be a quote from Braveheart. I've been struggling with what I wanted, but I was pretty sure I wanted a quote, and suddenly I stumbled across an old e-mail I sent myself with quotes for future tattoos and it all came back to me. I've ALWAYS wanted this, and somehow I'd forgotten.
Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.
Wifey actually made a sketch for me with this quote in latin and some artwork around it about 6 years ago. Back then I wanted it placed on my lower back, but I was never quite pleased - or at ease - with the idea and look of it. But now I know what I want: Just the quote in a cool font and on the left side of my torso (near my heart). Like this one, but still different:
I don't have the sketch ready yet, but I will soon and we're booking an appointment with a tattoo place soon, so I'll have that as an incentive to get totally toned by then. October is the plan, and it'll be Wifey and my birthday present to one another. Oh yeah, she's getting one too. Her first one. Nothing like mine and in a different spot... it'll be an amazing experience.
Anyone has any experience with getting tattooed in that area of your body?
- Gaygirl
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sex on Fire
Okay, so my latest obsession is the song "Sex on fire" by Kings of Leon. Hardly a new song, but I found this playlist on YouTube that has like 30-something different videos for the song, and obviously, I just say "play all" and go about my online fun and/or work on my computer.
I love how YouTube playlists have proven to me that I am no freak. Just because I can listen to the same song like a freakin' billion times, I am not alone with my addiction. I mean, even I think that sounds pretty sick. But if I switch to another song, then I know I'll start getting cravings for my current "drug of choice" again, and so... I return. Also, it has become my running and umm fantasy song (?), I suppose. To me, it just SCREAMS 'put me on and have passionate sex'. LOL, to some people that effect comes from clothes og a scent, but for me it's music - though the other stuff works too. ;o)
Oh, and I've discovered a great new thing; Certain songs is my new comfort food. I mean, instead of eating something, I can actually just play a song (right now it's this one) and get the same need fullfilment. It's GREAT to help me get to my body.
Anyway, I was thinking that the song would be great for one of those amazing compilation videos on YouTube (my other guilty YouTube pleasure). You know, the one called "best kisses" or just "favorite scenes" and of course the operative words in connection to this is gay/lesbian. ;o) And what do you know, I stumbled across one... Not even looking for it really. Anyway, whether you like the compilations or the song, here you go (embedding was disabled, so I have to direct you to it)
Maybe afterwards you'll like both? :oP
Feelin' groovy,
- GG
I love how YouTube playlists have proven to me that I am no freak. Just because I can listen to the same song like a freakin' billion times, I am not alone with my addiction. I mean, even I think that sounds pretty sick. But if I switch to another song, then I know I'll start getting cravings for my current "drug of choice" again, and so... I return. Also, it has become my running and umm fantasy song (?), I suppose. To me, it just SCREAMS 'put me on and have passionate sex'. LOL, to some people that effect comes from clothes og a scent, but for me it's music - though the other stuff works too. ;o)

Anyway, I was thinking that the song would be great for one of those amazing compilation videos on YouTube (my other guilty YouTube pleasure). You know, the one called "best kisses" or just "favorite scenes" and of course the operative words in connection to this is gay/lesbian. ;o) And what do you know, I stumbled across one... Not even looking for it really. Anyway, whether you like the compilations or the song, here you go (embedding was disabled, so I have to direct you to it)
Maybe afterwards you'll like both? :oP
Feelin' groovy,
- GG
guilty pleasure,
Kings of Leon,
on repeat,
sex on fire,
Image of Monday: Rainbow kisses
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Vote for "Pariah"
Dee Ree's "Pariah" is a semi-finalist in the Netflix "Find Your Voice" competition, and it looks really great, so I just thought I'd direct your attention to this little gem:
Don't forget to vote here! :o)
- GayGirl
Don't forget to vote here! :o)
- GayGirl
Dee Ree,
Find your voice competition,
Catherine Keener and Gina Gershon's lovechild
When I first saw Dawn Denbo on "L Word", my first thoughts were "Damn, she looks a lot like Gina Gershon" and "Whoa, but she sounds like Catherine Keener... and sorta looks like her too". And ever since then, I've refered to her as Catherine Keener and Gina Gershon's lovechild. Of course, her name immediately proved a vital clue, so I realize that she, Elizabeth Keener, IS actually Catherine Keener's younger sister and there's no relation (that I know of) to Gina Gershon. But humor me and just look at these pictures below... Elizabeth does almost look more like Gina than she does her sister. ;o)

Well, they could definitely all play sisters. Hmm, that could be a cool movie. They're certainly all amazing women. ;o)
- GG

Well, they could definitely all play sisters. Hmm, that could be a cool movie. They're certainly all amazing women. ;o)
- GG
Catherine Keener,
Elizabeth Keener,
Gina Gershon,
L Word,
look alike,
sound alike
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Is Nikki ready to propose? ;o)
Eventhough I am a selfconfessed Rambling Queen, I'll let this one play out on its own - just pay extra close attention at around 2 min 15 sec.
The interview is dated at April 15th according to the source
So... What do you think?
- GG
The interview is dated at April 15th according to the source
So... What do you think?
- GG
Kristen Stewart,
Nikki Reed,
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
To be fair...
But in all fairness, I do remember what it was like to be in my early twenties. Having nothing to hold me back and just enjoy life (I still have that but just with some responsibilities to set a few boundaries to the madness, LOL).
Anyway, one of the reasons I remember this time of my life so fondly and vividly, is because it's when I met the love of my life.
We started out becoming the very best of friends, and our relationship was definitely very physically close as well - though not sexual. Oh, of course, it is quite sensual when you're always touching and staying practically attached at the hips and holding hands, but we insisted we were just friends.
During some late night texting, my new best friend (and favorite person in the Universe to be completely honest) suddenly asked if I thought we should be more than just friends. Without hesistation, I knew that I did. And after panicking over my cell phone suddenly refusing to send my reply - and creating some panic at the other end because no reply came - I finally managed to get a signal by hanging out the window with my cell phone.

And, looking back, I wouldn't have done a single thing differently... It was perfect! :o)
- GayGirl
Kristen Stewart,
Lindsay Lohan,
Nikki Reed,
Sam Ronson,
young love
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A comment I just left at another site and wanted to share
I find it amusing (and a bit disturbing) how everyone is so busy stating "they're just friends" and how apparently everybody's kissing their same-sex friends and it means absolutely nothing. It seems that same-sex friends can only be friends no matter what behaviour they exhibit. Opposite-sex friends though, they can never be "just" friends. I mean, you guys all KNOW that you would be screaming "they're SO in love" if this was Robert and Kristin or Nikki acting this way.
And I know from personal experience how this works. No one would ever think that my love of 8 years was the girl next to me. We're just "very close friends" in the eyes of the public majority. No matter how much we kiss and hold hands, the fact that we don't fit the "lesbian stereotype" makes it all very innocent, apparently. LOL, if they only knew. ;o)
And finally, you ALL know you were saying the same damn thing about Lindsay and Samantha. And we all know how that turned out. :o)
Oh, and for the record, I'm not saying that Kristen and Nikki are a couple. I'm just saying I think it's strange that everyone dismisses it no matter what their behaviour might indicate. Also, now Nikki has disappeared from the public eye and it seems like her and Kristen have been instructed to stay away from each other in public, since they haven't been seen together in weeks. And this after traveling around together and after one another for months. Hmm, the plot thickens... ;o)
And I know from personal experience how this works. No one would ever think that my love of 8 years was the girl next to me. We're just "very close friends" in the eyes of the public majority. No matter how much we kiss and hold hands, the fact that we don't fit the "lesbian stereotype" makes it all very innocent, apparently. LOL, if they only knew. ;o)
And finally, you ALL know you were saying the same damn thing about Lindsay and Samantha. And we all know how that turned out. :o)
Oh, and for the record, I'm not saying that Kristen and Nikki are a couple. I'm just saying I think it's strange that everyone dismisses it no matter what their behaviour might indicate. Also, now Nikki has disappeared from the public eye and it seems like her and Kristen have been instructed to stay away from each other in public, since they haven't been seen together in weeks. And this after traveling around together and after one another for months. Hmm, the plot thickens... ;o)
Kristen Stewart,
Lindsay Lohan,
Nikki Reed,
Robert Pattinson,
Sam Ronson,
Monday, June 15, 2009
Where is Nikki Reed?
I almost forgot... There was an additional little interesting fact in relation to the pictures of Dakota og Kristen taken in Italy. The pictures were published on several websites in late May, but earlier that same month, Nikki Reed was seen in L.A. - since she wasn't in the scenes being shots in Vancouver at the time - and according to JustJaredJr, she was quoted as saying to MTV:
“Put it this way: I am not in any of the scenes in Italy, but we’ve already made sure that I am going to Italy while they shoot that because I am sort of obsessed with that portion of the book.”
But then the question becomes: Where was Nikki Reed? Was she ever in Italy? The answer: No!
While the quote above was seen everywhere on May 13th, just six days later (on May 18th) several websites were reporting the opposite. Refering to the quote above and adding their own two cents:
It is no secret that Reed and co-star Kristen Stewart are and have been very close friends for a great while, and, as a group, all of the stars of Twilight have developed a bond and friendship that seems to continue through the filming process.
the Examiner reported that she had decided against it and would be spending time with her family instead.
Hmm, okay, so she's just been in L.A. for a while, not being with the cast in Vancouver, and now she decided against a holiday in the company of friends, cause she wanted to spend more time with her family. And she just decided this in less than a week? Eager and excited to go one minute and wanting to relax with her family the next? Riiiight.
Meanwhile, the fascinating latest news about Nikki Reed [ALL over the Internet since June 12th] is that both she and Ashley Greene have decided to quit smoking. Yay, doing it for the kids... They want to be good role models. No gay, no smoke... ALL good! Hmm, gives a new double meaning to the word "fag" [slur for gay and British slang for cigarette].
Guess we won't be seeing any more picture like this:

But then again, ANY picture with Kristen and Nikki seen together would be a miracle these days.
Looking for the BFF's,
- GG
But then the question becomes: Where was Nikki Reed? Was she ever in Italy? The answer: No!
While the quote above was seen everywhere on May 13th, just six days later (on May 18th) several websites were reporting the opposite. Refering to the quote above and adding their own two cents:
It is no secret that Reed and co-star Kristen Stewart are and have been very close friends for a great while, and, as a group, all of the stars of Twilight have developed a bond and friendship that seems to continue through the filming process.
the Examiner reported that she had decided against it and would be spending time with her family instead.
Hmm, okay, so she's just been in L.A. for a while, not being with the cast in Vancouver, and now she decided against a holiday in the company of friends, cause she wanted to spend more time with her family. And she just decided this in less than a week? Eager and excited to go one minute and wanting to relax with her family the next? Riiiight.
Meanwhile, the fascinating latest news about Nikki Reed [ALL over the Internet since June 12th] is that both she and Ashley Greene have decided to quit smoking. Yay, doing it for the kids... They want to be good role models. No gay, no smoke... ALL good! Hmm, gives a new double meaning to the word "fag" [slur for gay and British slang for cigarette].
Guess we won't be seeing any more picture like this:

But then again, ANY picture with Kristen and Nikki seen together would be a miracle these days.
Looking for the BFF's,
- GG
Ashley Greene,
Kristen Stewart,
Nikki Reed,
quit smoking
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The plot thickens... Enter a new BFF?
Turn to MTV Asia for an interview with Nikki Reed. Of course, this is from before she mysteriously vanished from all Twilight publicity, but still. It is quite open and candid. Here's just a bit from the interview:
"It's bizarre. Obviously, we can do it [hate each other on screen] because it is acting. But it is really funny." She's speaking about her real-life love for BFF Kristen Stewart - a sharp contrast to her character's distaste toward Stewart's Bella. Fans all over the world have loved to hate Reed for being so cruel to their Bella, but in actuality, the duo recently took a vacation together to Africa and plan to reunite for the movie K-11 between Twilight sequels.
Hmm, "She's speaking about her real-life love for BFF Kristen Stewart". Well now, isn't that just truly sweet and innocent and how wonderful that they've gone to Africa together. But of course, completely inappropriate for the US market. Oh wait, do they think BFF means "Best Fuck Friend"? That would explain a lot, since they're treating the whole thing as if that's the nature of the girls' relationsship. And obviously, that little fact needs to be hidden.
Meanwhile, the latest news in the US (and therefor the entire Western world) is the budding friendship bestween Kristen and Dakota Fanning, which I personally think is great. Of course, I do believe it helps very much that Dakota is still perceived as an 11-year old sweet girl by many, and therefor is no threat to the possible gayness factor of Kristen Stewarts image.
And this time, I'm not the only one noticing how Dakota has been absent from Kristen's public off set life, and is now suddenly showing up. This picture below was found on where it was accompanied by this comment:
At long last, there’s a picture of the soon to be The Runaways co-stars Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning, who have never been caught together in Vancouver despite the fact that they will be shooting for the next eight weeks before the grueling Eclipse shoot and New Moon publicity starts.
According to the comments, there's been a picture of them seen together in Vancouver as part of a group, but not where it seemed as if they were friends privately. Here's another shot for ya... this one was found on (which is one of the websites where certain images and stories on Nikki and Kristen have mysteriously disappeared from the archives). Ashley Greene is there too, but that doesn't seem to get a lot of attention, since Dakota is the new thing.

Hmm... I'll keep ya posted for more evidence, that there were once two girls, who hung out all the time, the world's best known BFF's for a while and loved each other (in one way or another - or every way). ;o)
- GayGirl
"It's bizarre. Obviously, we can do it [hate each other on screen] because it is acting. But it is really funny." She's speaking about her real-life love for BFF Kristen Stewart - a sharp contrast to her character's distaste toward Stewart's Bella. Fans all over the world have loved to hate Reed for being so cruel to their Bella, but in actuality, the duo recently took a vacation together to Africa and plan to reunite for the movie K-11 between Twilight sequels.
Hmm, "She's speaking about her real-life love for BFF Kristen Stewart". Well now, isn't that just truly sweet and innocent and how wonderful that they've gone to Africa together. But of course, completely inappropriate for the US market. Oh wait, do they think BFF means "Best Fuck Friend"? That would explain a lot, since they're treating the whole thing as if that's the nature of the girls' relationsship. And obviously, that little fact needs to be hidden.
Meanwhile, the latest news in the US (and therefor the entire Western world) is the budding friendship bestween Kristen and Dakota Fanning, which I personally think is great. Of course, I do believe it helps very much that Dakota is still perceived as an 11-year old sweet girl by many, and therefor is no threat to the possible gayness factor of Kristen Stewarts image.
And this time, I'm not the only one noticing how Dakota has been absent from Kristen's public off set life, and is now suddenly showing up. This picture below was found on where it was accompanied by this comment:

According to the comments, there's been a picture of them seen together in Vancouver as part of a group, but not where it seemed as if they were friends privately. Here's another shot for ya... this one was found on (which is one of the websites where certain images and stories on Nikki and Kristen have mysteriously disappeared from the archives). Ashley Greene is there too, but that doesn't seem to get a lot of attention, since Dakota is the new thing.

Hmm... I'll keep ya posted for more evidence, that there were once two girls, who hung out all the time, the world's best known BFF's for a while and loved each other (in one way or another - or every way). ;o)
- GayGirl
Best F*ck Friend,
Dakota Fanning,
Kristen Stewart,
Nikki Reed
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Is Kristen Stewart gay?
Who knows... Well, obviously she does. Maybe. But that's not really my point - and today, I actually have one. It seems that the media is collectively doing their best damn effort to suddenly spin every Kirsten Stewart story towards a VERY straight image.
In the previous month, every story has been about her and Robert Pattinson or her and official boyfriend, Michael Angarano. The latest Kristen Stewart stories on PopSugar is an excelent example of this. Now, this wouldn't be so strange if it wasn't because there is absolutely NO focus on any kind of affair og issues with her cheating on boyfriend Michael.
Oh no, we see one story featuring a "PDA filled walk with her boyfriend" (April 28th) and six days later (May 4th) the focus is "Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Get Intimate!" (the pictures to prove this "intimate" evening consist of them talking at a concert, mind you). But everything is totally fine as long as she is either with this boy or that boy... in the meantime, Nikki Reed has suddenly vanished from the surface of the Earth (last post on PopSugar where she was mentioned is April 20th) and if she is actually seen, you can be sure it isn't anywhere near Kristen Stewart.
Seriously, she isn't even at the award shows or anything. Suddenly we only get pictures of Kristen Stewart surrounded by four human beings of the male persuassion, with image captions such as "Kristen was all smiles, sandwiched between Taylor Lautner and fellow best kiss winner Robert Pattinson"... umm, all smiles? What picture are YOU looking at?

I mean, it is so obviously the tail wagging the dog, and their little spin to move the big star [Kristen Stewart] far away from those pescy lesbian rumours. Rumours that did actually have pictures of Kristen Stewart and Nikki Reed looking quite intimate (and only having eyes for each other) at the root. Such as this one:
Umm, yeah, they look totally crazy about good ol' Robert... positively boycrazy. Or this one:

Now, I'm not saying they ARE or WERE a couple... But that picture IS a typical couple posing for the cameras.
Then there's this interesting tidbit:
I originally saw the picture above in an article about Kristen and Nikki being seen out together yet again, but that particular article has now been changed to an article about Robert kissing Kristen on her birthday (Goddess bless Google cached for giving us the truth, LOL). Or how about these last official ones:
Anyway... I just find it umm, well, scary that the media is buying into this. Some very high-powered people must have been giving very strict orders for this to be pulled off so completely. They are just hushing this thing to death. And fine, let them try... I'm just saying, gay or not, this whole PR spin is ridiculous and really makes it look like they ARE hiding something.
Feeling cheated,
- GayGirl
P.S. ONE thing bothering me was this: Why would Kristen - or especially Nikki - go along with this? Well, there's this new movie in the works featuring the two actresses (Kristen's mom's directorial debut). The movie could be a real challenge and something different for the girls. This means that all they would have to do is tell the actresses to stay out of the press together, or the movie will never be made. Just my theory... But this thing reaks of manipulation, so why not?
In the previous month, every story has been about her and Robert Pattinson or her and official boyfriend, Michael Angarano. The latest Kristen Stewart stories on PopSugar is an excelent example of this. Now, this wouldn't be so strange if it wasn't because there is absolutely NO focus on any kind of affair og issues with her cheating on boyfriend Michael.
Oh no, we see one story featuring a "PDA filled walk with her boyfriend" (April 28th) and six days later (May 4th) the focus is "Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Get Intimate!" (the pictures to prove this "intimate" evening consist of them talking at a concert, mind you). But everything is totally fine as long as she is either with this boy or that boy... in the meantime, Nikki Reed has suddenly vanished from the surface of the Earth (last post on PopSugar where she was mentioned is April 20th) and if she is actually seen, you can be sure it isn't anywhere near Kristen Stewart.
Seriously, she isn't even at the award shows or anything. Suddenly we only get pictures of Kristen Stewart surrounded by four human beings of the male persuassion, with image captions such as "Kristen was all smiles, sandwiched between Taylor Lautner and fellow best kiss winner Robert Pattinson"... umm, all smiles? What picture are YOU looking at?
I mean, it is so obviously the tail wagging the dog, and their little spin to move the big star [Kristen Stewart] far away from those pescy lesbian rumours. Rumours that did actually have pictures of Kristen Stewart and Nikki Reed looking quite intimate (and only having eyes for each other) at the root. Such as this one:

Now, I'm not saying they ARE or WERE a couple... But that picture IS a typical couple posing for the cameras.
Then there's this interesting tidbit:
I originally saw the picture above in an article about Kristen and Nikki being seen out together yet again, but that particular article has now been changed to an article about Robert kissing Kristen on her birthday (Goddess bless Google cached for giving us the truth, LOL). Or how about these last official ones:
Anyway... I just find it umm, well, scary that the media is buying into this. Some very high-powered people must have been giving very strict orders for this to be pulled off so completely. They are just hushing this thing to death. And fine, let them try... I'm just saying, gay or not, this whole PR spin is ridiculous and really makes it look like they ARE hiding something.
Feeling cheated,
- GayGirl
P.S. ONE thing bothering me was this: Why would Kristen - or especially Nikki - go along with this? Well, there's this new movie in the works featuring the two actresses (Kristen's mom's directorial debut). The movie could be a real challenge and something different for the girls. This means that all they would have to do is tell the actresses to stay out of the press together, or the movie will never be made. Just my theory... But this thing reaks of manipulation, so why not?
cover up,
Kristen Stewart,
Nikki Reed,
Robert Pattinson,
straight image,
Seking Simone - new lesbian web series
Let's hear it for the lesbians... Entrepreneurs of the Internet. I just stumbled upon a new web series which I recommend we all give a shot. You never know what it might turn into, and then you can say you helped start the revolution and was a true firstmover. Here's the trailer for ya:
Also, check out the official website, where the two first episodes are already available for viewing. And you should read the hilarious FAQ over at Creampuff Revolution here
Enjoy! :o)
- GG
Also, check out the official website, where the two first episodes are already available for viewing. And you should read the hilarious FAQ over at Creampuff Revolution here
Enjoy! :o)
- GG
creampuff revolution,
girl-on-girl action,
goldstar lesbian,
online dating,
Seeking Simone,
web series
Thursday, June 11, 2009
My mommy's gay?
No, not really, but this is what I thought Pink was saying in her "Stupid Girl" video, when I first saw it.

There's this little intermission part, where she's in the bathroom of some club, and she says (I thought) "My mommy's gay!" as she stuck something down her throat to make herself vomit into the sink.
Obviously, this didn't make ANY sense to me. Some people would probably want to vomit at the idea that their mother was gay, but I just can't see that being Pink's reaction... So I googled it! And of course she's saying something entirely different, that actually does make sense - both in relation to the song and the action itself: "I will be skinny!"
Now, HOW I could ever get "My mommy's gay" from "I will be skinny", I still don't know... except sometimes you just hear "gay" everywhere when you're just like SO gay (which I totally am, LOL), but I can still make myself 'hear' both versions, when I see the video, and usually that's not the case, when I discover the actual/correct words to something.
Hmm, go figure... and my point? There is none. But I WILL be skinny (or just fit like my alter ego in the previous post), and I AM gay... But my mother isn't. ;o)
Peace out from the Rambling Queen,
- GG
P.S. The picture in this post has nothing to do with the "Stupid Girl" video. She just looks great here. ;o)

There's this little intermission part, where she's in the bathroom of some club, and she says (I thought) "My mommy's gay!" as she stuck something down her throat to make herself vomit into the sink.
Obviously, this didn't make ANY sense to me. Some people would probably want to vomit at the idea that their mother was gay, but I just can't see that being Pink's reaction... So I googled it! And of course she's saying something entirely different, that actually does make sense - both in relation to the song and the action itself: "I will be skinny!"
Now, HOW I could ever get "My mommy's gay" from "I will be skinny", I still don't know... except sometimes you just hear "gay" everywhere when you're just like SO gay (which I totally am, LOL), but I can still make myself 'hear' both versions, when I see the video, and usually that's not the case, when I discover the actual/correct words to something.
Hmm, go figure... and my point? There is none. But I WILL be skinny (or just fit like my alter ego in the previous post), and I AM gay... But my mother isn't. ;o)
Peace out from the Rambling Queen,
- GG
P.S. The picture in this post has nothing to do with the "Stupid Girl" video. She just looks great here. ;o)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I have decided...
THIS will be my body:

I'm not really close to it now, but in umm 15-20 pounds, I should surely be able to hit my mark. So now this picture is on my desktop, by my treadmill and now on my blog. :o)
I've got my birthday coming up in August, and I've already bought an outfit (though I plan on fitting into that one by mid July). All very exciting cause it's easier for me during the summer. I get energy from the sun and I need to pull on that.
Plus, I'm REALLY looking forward to very hot and steamy sex, when Wifey gets to enjoy the body I'll be happy with myself. Now THAT is one Hell of an incentive. ;o)
- Diet GayGirl

I'm not really close to it now, but in umm 15-20 pounds, I should surely be able to hit my mark. So now this picture is on my desktop, by my treadmill and now on my blog. :o)
I've got my birthday coming up in August, and I've already bought an outfit (though I plan on fitting into that one by mid July). All very exciting cause it's easier for me during the summer. I get energy from the sun and I need to pull on that.
Plus, I'm REALLY looking forward to very hot and steamy sex, when Wifey gets to enjoy the body I'll be happy with myself. Now THAT is one Hell of an incentive. ;o)
- Diet GayGirl
hot and steamy sex,
hot body,
loose weight
Saturday, June 6, 2009
I love the gay penguins
Obviously people would initially argue that it was a lack of females that "turned the penguins gay", but that theory was shot down by the failed introduction of oestrogen with the female penguin (poor thing, hope her ego didn't get too bruised). So it's merely a question of these animals acting out their natural inclination... Just like me - and you, probably, since you're reading this blog. ;o) And if not, then you're still very welcome, dear hetero-one. :o)
Previously, other gay penguin couples have had successful hatchings and parenthood. After a gay penguins couple (Roy and Silo) at Central Park Zoo had been nesting a rock, the Zookeeper gave them a fertile egg, which also resulted in a little chick to make the family complete. This just proves SO much about how natural all kinds of love and families truly are. Gotta love that!
Spreading the gay love,
- GayGirl
bremerhaven zoo,
central park zoo,
gay penguins,
hatching egg,
roy and silo,
z and vielpunkt
Friday, May 29, 2009
Woohoo, that's my Drew!

I've loved her book "Little Girl Lost" since I first read it many years ago, and she has come so very far - both personally and professionally. Usually, I say either "my Drew" or "that's me" when I see her. The first because I'm proud of the things she does and the second because she always wears outfits that would look great on me. :oP Now, I would need to get in better shape and go to the hairdresser a lot more often to tame my WILD hair - my hair is the one thing about me my Wifey can't tame, LOL - but other than that there is quite a good resemblance. ;o)
Oh, Drew, if only you would "turn gay" it would be the coolest day. Not because I'd trade Wifey in for you (or anyone one else), but I would just be so proud to have you on our team. Hmm, then again, I suppose we already have that. :o)
Rock ON with your bad self and God(dess) bless you, Drew Barrymore!
One happy homo-camper,
- GayGirl
P.S. I am SO back... Can you feel my blogging-mojo? ;o)
Drew Barrymore,
LGBT issues,
prop 8,
turn gay,
Oh yes, there will be blogging
I know, I know... you've heard it all before. I've promised to come back to blogging regularly, but what can I say except this: I've bought the Ginkgo Biloba, but I keep forgetting to take it, so it hasn't kicked in yet.
But really, I've been cleaning out my closet - such a gay metaphore that I have to go with it - and given up on some freelance work that was close to pure charity. If you can call it that when no one worthy reaps all the benefits. Hmm, does that make me sound bitter? If so, GOOD... but I'm over it now! ;o)
Now I have 3 main projects and they all interest me (this is one of them, in case you were wondering), so I should be able to stay focused. :o)
- GG
But really, I've been cleaning out my closet - such a gay metaphore that I have to go with it - and given up on some freelance work that was close to pure charity. If you can call it that when no one worthy reaps all the benefits. Hmm, does that make me sound bitter? If so, GOOD... but I'm over it now! ;o)
Now I have 3 main projects and they all interest me (this is one of them, in case you were wondering), so I should be able to stay focused. :o)
- GG
cleaning out my closet,
ginkgo biloba,
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Words of Ellen (aka Wisdom)
Yes, the Ellen has always been a source for some brilliant quotes and words to live by. Oh, and just so there's no doubt as to who I mean, she is now "the Ellen" - the uninitiated can turn to previous posts if they're unsure about which Ellen this is. ;o)
You see, the thing is, the very busy and stressful previous three months have resulted in my memory being quite bad. And this is VERY unlike me. That's why I need to get myself some Ginkgo Biloba, and THIS is where the Ellen comes in (no, I did not forget my point of this post or the headline).
Anyway, where was I... Oh yeah, so the movie was... no wait, that's not it... See, that's why I need to get the drug of nature and HERE it comes:
"My memory is just getting worse. People tell to me to take Ginkgo Biloba, but if you can remember to take Ginkgo Biloba every day, then you don’t need it"
- the Ellen
And these are the words of wisdom that I plan to live by. Now, if I could just start by remembering to buy some ginkgo biloba, then I'll be good to go.
- GayGirl
You see, the thing is, the very busy and stressful previous three months have resulted in my memory being quite bad. And this is VERY unlike me. That's why I need to get myself some Ginkgo Biloba, and THIS is where the Ellen comes in (no, I did not forget my point of this post or the headline).
Anyway, where was I... Oh yeah, so the movie was... no wait, that's not it... See, that's why I need to get the drug of nature and HERE it comes:
"My memory is just getting worse. People tell to me to take Ginkgo Biloba, but if you can remember to take Ginkgo Biloba every day, then you don’t need it"
- the Ellen
And these are the words of wisdom that I plan to live by. Now, if I could just start by remembering to buy some ginkgo biloba, then I'll be good to go.
- GayGirl
ellen degeneres,
ginkgo biloba,
the ellen
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
There's no excuse...
... then again, I have been BEYOND busy. I mean, to the point where my body started reacting (or rather acting up) with a rash. Oh no, I am not at all complaining, since I did choose all that I do. I'm simply stating that I've had my plate full. ;o)
For the past 3-4 months I've worked two fulltime jobs (to be executed during the hours of one fulltime job, mind you), a final exam which consisted of a 75 page report followed by an exam that I got through last week. Oh and this was all around Christmas and just managing every day life on top of that. But again, I chose it all and knew it would only be this crazy for a while. In a month's time I'll truly be back to a "normal" workload. Hmm, though of course I do have some projects going on as well.
In any case, the good news is that one of these "projects" is this blog, which means I AM BACK! :o) Super busy times are over, and yesterday I actually sat down a read a chapter in the book that I started during my summer vacation. It was almost a surreal experience to just relax and read. You really do enjoy things a lot more once you've been without them for a while.
TTFN... I will surely be back soon. :o)
- GayGirl
For the past 3-4 months I've worked two fulltime jobs (to be executed during the hours of one fulltime job, mind you), a final exam which consisted of a 75 page report followed by an exam that I got through last week. Oh and this was all around Christmas and just managing every day life on top of that. But again, I chose it all and knew it would only be this crazy for a while. In a month's time I'll truly be back to a "normal" workload. Hmm, though of course I do have some projects going on as well.
In any case, the good news is that one of these "projects" is this blog, which means I AM BACK! :o) Super busy times are over, and yesterday I actually sat down a read a chapter in the book that I started during my summer vacation. It was almost a surreal experience to just relax and read. You really do enjoy things a lot more once you've been without them for a while.
TTFN... I will surely be back soon. :o)
- GayGirl
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