In the previous month, every story has been about her and Robert Pattinson or her and official boyfriend, Michael Angarano. The latest Kristen Stewart stories on PopSugar is an excelent example of this. Now, this wouldn't be so strange if it wasn't because there is absolutely NO focus on any kind of affair og issues with her cheating on boyfriend Michael.
Oh no, we see one story featuring a "PDA filled walk with her boyfriend" (April 28th) and six days later (May 4th) the focus is "Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Get Intimate!" (the pictures to prove this "intimate" evening consist of them talking at a concert, mind you). But everything is totally fine as long as she is either with this boy or that boy... in the meantime, Nikki Reed has suddenly vanished from the surface of the Earth (last post on PopSugar where she was mentioned is April 20th) and if she is actually seen, you can be sure it isn't anywhere near Kristen Stewart.
Seriously, she isn't even at the award shows or anything. Suddenly we only get pictures of Kristen Stewart surrounded by four human beings of the male persuassion, with image captions such as "Kristen was all smiles, sandwiched between Taylor Lautner and fellow best kiss winner Robert Pattinson"... umm, all smiles? What picture are YOU looking at?
I mean, it is so obviously the tail wagging the dog, and their little spin to move the big star [Kristen Stewart] far away from those pescy lesbian rumours. Rumours that did actually have pictures of Kristen Stewart and Nikki Reed looking quite intimate (and only having eyes for each other) at the root. Such as this one:

Now, I'm not saying they ARE or WERE a couple... But that picture IS a typical couple posing for the cameras.
Then there's this interesting tidbit:
I originally saw the picture above in an article about Kristen and Nikki being seen out together yet again, but that particular article has now been changed to an article about Robert kissing Kristen on her birthday (Goddess bless Google cached for giving us the truth, LOL). Or how about these last official ones:
Anyway... I just find it umm, well, scary that the media is buying into this. Some very high-powered people must have been giving very strict orders for this to be pulled off so completely. They are just hushing this thing to death. And fine, let them try... I'm just saying, gay or not, this whole PR spin is ridiculous and really makes it look like they ARE hiding something.
Feeling cheated,
- GayGirl
P.S. ONE thing bothering me was this: Why would Kristen - or especially Nikki - go along with this? Well, there's this new movie in the works featuring the two actresses (Kristen's mom's directorial debut). The movie could be a real challenge and something different for the girls. This means that all they would have to do is tell the actresses to stay out of the press together, or the movie will never be made. Just my theory... But this thing reaks of manipulation, so why not?
You've got a hell of a point in your post. Not sure what the truth is but I'm in your corner on this theory.
I think Kristen may be gay or bi, Nikki could be bisexual but I think her main objective was always to make Robert jealous or get his attention. Nikki always knew he had a thing for Kristen so what a better way to get his attention than to plant some kisses on Kristen. Guys dig that.
You have some interesting points here. Nikki and Kristen used to be "BFFs" and now you never see Nikki around anymore. I don't know, but the Twilight gang seems very incestuous.
WOW! I never THOUGHT of that and now that you say it... It makes a WHOLE LOTTA SENSE! Especially since Nikki Reed, when confronted about 'Robsten', said "I'm not even goin got go there"... like "plz, she'd kick it w/me first". Yes? yes. They DO look good together though. SUmmit must hate having to cover this shit up.
hi, i just found ur blog today and i love it ur completely right with the theory.
i actually think kristen is so gay and nikki too, i was obssesed with both and their "BFF's ThinG" and now i add as a friend to KSTEW and ask them for nikki and just told me that she still was her friend, she doesn't say BFF of course i don't think she would told me about her real life but they was so into each other that is so rare that they don't see them like before...
and we have to admit that they are kind of tomboy... actually kristen seems like shane of TLW with her new look... sorry but muy english...
omg!! that totally opened my eyes!!
i alwayz wondered y the media were craming robert and kristen stories down our throats!! honestly, this makes sense...and u are a genious for having thought of it!! hats of to u!! =)
Just wanted to thank you all for your comments. It's great to hear that others can see this from my point of view as well.
I'll keep you posted on more "clues" and updates. ;o)
- GayGirl
Well yeah I mean, how much would the country FREAK OUT if the mormon vampires were headed up by a lesbian? haha Seriously though... Jodie Foster just came out LAST YEAR... it could be a while before we get to see Kristen do that. Of course... she seems pretty bold and rocknroll.
Probably as soon as the Twilight movies rap?
It makes sense...lots of sense! I've seen pictures and videos of the twilight gang, and fail to see even a tiny bit of chemistry between kristen and rob...they seem disinterested in each other. and kristen and nikki on the other hand...ohhh, i have no doubt about it, they were/are an's just so OUT THERE even the BFF theory doesn't hold ground, not for a second! It's obvious the people in charge of the twilight saga are desperately pulling at all strings to promote kristen and rob as an item...they stand to gain, don't millions...versus a "our leading lady is gay!" story.
Sorry, but I disagree with you all. I can assure you I'm 100% straight but I've kissed my best friend on the cheek and I have pictures of us hugging, sitting on each others laps, and hanging on each other. We're just really close. I think Kristen's def. straight.
This video just adds a little more lesbian suspicion for me. Any lesbo knows Kristen is gayer than gay, but also knows that she may not even realize it yet. Although I believe she does, at the very least this shows that summit tries to keep them censored. Enjoy.
for some reason , i picked up those lesbian vibes off of stewart . ever since panic room . and later when i saw her i jumper's last scene. then again we could all be mistaken . the way she talks and moves gives off this vibe . i have been tracking her work down she is an excellent actor . and i think she will hit the big time in Hollywood.
i do not know. but for sure she reminds me of shane from the L word . some how she looks and acts like kate meonning .
yeah kristen stewart..she's so gay..too boyish..
When Panic Room came out, Kristen set my gaydar off. Keep in mind I'm about Kristen's age, so I was pretty young. But I knew we had more in common than that awful haircut. I didn't see her in anything more until Land of Women and again, I wondered aloud who the hot gay chick was.
I couldn't have less interest in Twighlight or the media frenzy surrounding it, and respect her right to privacy, but I think the girl is gay. Gorgeous, talented, smokin' and gay.
Never got the vibe from Nikki. At all. However, 13 was Nikki's "true story" (adapted by Katherine Hardwike I believe?) and that movie is thick with girl-on-girl subtext. Not that Nikki's gay, but if I had a dollar for every straight friend I've had flings with... I'd have five dollars.
I can totally see her as being gay - the converse shoes, the attitude, mannerisms, she's just not very feminine. But she grew up with all brothers and Rob had all sisters - explains her masculinity and his femininity.
Knowing the facts about stars personal lives makes it harder to believe their characters they play sometimes - another reason Summit may want to keep everything under wraps.
finally. someone speaks it out loud. I'm glad you state that Robsten and Oregano stew amy be scripted acts. Tell that to a twilighter.I totally get how she could be gay, but so many chics hug and kiss and do all of that; it's sort of confusing. I'll chill for K-11 when the 'insiders' release titbits. Rock on Gay girl.
Read this piece when you first wrote it, found it fascinating. She has pinged me from jump, but just when I think I am sure - something sways me the other way. Right now I am in the "I just am not sure" camp. We'd be proud, proud, proud to have her. If she were a friend, I would tell her, make your movies, live your life honestly with your family and friends, but come out after you had the career you want and deserve. We'll wait for you.
So I just came across this Kristen girl being interviewed on the show extra- she's hot! I definitely thought she was gay... in a Tegan and Sara kind of way. I decided to look her up, and well, I stumbled upon this blog and yes, I wouldn't be surprised if she really was gay and allowing the ignorant, traditional social construct of america (and its Media) paint that picture so she can have a career. Either way, look her up... she's really cute.
I agree that Kristen Stewart is gay. Sad that she can't be who she is.
yeah i think she is. it's too obvious for us gays..
we would be very proud to have her on our side...yet i feel sad 'cuz i know and come one girls let' s be realistic here...she will NEVER come out, but it would be HEAVEN for all of us to have the PERFECT POSTER GAY GIRL till there: we all have dreams, and they are all free...haha
but sometimes...i think about that actress mary stuart masterson who used to be pretty boyish when younger and yet...not gay ah! there is also Laurel Holloman same thing. and i wonder if that would be Kris' case? well...i guess we'll just have to wait wait wait and wait to maybe see.
ok like idk but yeh im just 17 and ma gaydar went thro the roof when i saw panic room a couple of years ago and yeh i totally agree theyr tryin to cram kristen and edward storys down our throuts is just stupid everybody can see that her "BFF" nikki and her were way to close i dont think shes gay she mite be bi idk but it would be awesome to have a hot and talented chik like her on our side lol
THIS IS EPIC!!! it would be way better if it was her and nikky and every one that tried to pin her and rob together would look like idiots!! so i am all for this!!
Yes, Kristen Stewart is Gay!!! Hello,anyone who IS gay, bi, or even a little curious can see that. I'm a gay girl and I feel cheated by the media also. I can't wait till she comes out and these rediculous rumors fade away because, that is what they are...absolutely rediculous! Man, I wounder how Kristen is feeling about this. She obviously WANTS to be out if she's posing in front of the camera like that. I hate the way the film industry twists things because they THINK it will make an actor more marketable. It's actually really disgusting.
anyone with a decent gaydar can see that she is obviously one of the club. I love her and can't wait till she comes out.
Word to the truth. Niksten for the win.
I'm 100% straight and I totally can see that Kristen Stewart is giving off a lesbian vibe. I was so sure of it that I Googled it and this blog popped up. I am so glad I am not the only person in this world with this theory! I agree with PP, it would be absolutely hilarious if it came out that the Mormon vampire movies were headlined by a homosexual actress. Complete irony.
However, I have to state that this is not coming from the fact that she and her co star are close friends. They could simply just be close friends, or they could be something more - but what clued me in is Stewart's preference to roles that have a harder edge to them, such as Joan Jett and the movie K-11 where she is slated to play a male convict.
I would love it so much if this was true! I'm not so sure... There must be loads of girls who act/dress like her who are straight, so who can really judge anything about her?
I love her anyway, gay or straight.
But it would be awesome for her to come out, hollywood totally needs more lesbians :P
(But I may just be another gay girl with fantasies about kristen being on our side ;))
Im not gay but still a little curious and i noticed it since i saw her in some pics out and about. Not only when i saw her filtring with Nikki Reed, but everything she does!
The way she talks, her style to dress, always skinny jeans and t-shirts, sometimes w/out bra; her bitchface and fierceness, the common nerv-tics (have you gurls saw her biting her lips or touching her hair often? man, that's freakin HOT) that usually make her seems really, really gay...
So i bet she MUST be at least Bi! I mean she owns the vibe, idk, i've always thought it.
My celebritie male crush is kinda "bi" too lol and now i think Kstew is my female one... she is too sexy.
Oh yeah Kristen Stewart totally has that dikey way about her. It wouldn't surprise me at all.
same like others my gaydar went off when i watched "Panic Room"...did u see her at the Oscar this year? she was standing so "un-lady" like. she was hunched over w/ both of her hands clasped behind her...and even the way she talks....kinda like jodie foster.
well, i'm sure she'll come out soon after the making of all the Twilight movies.
Yea i think Kristen is gay and I think Nikki is bi. As a bi-curious gal myself, I have always well not always had a tidbit crush on her. got that out in the open lol but anywy she really does remind me of shane off the L word her mannerism, deamenor and everything and now the haircut in the runaways works wonders! Do ur thing Niksten!
all I have to say is this...
I have nothing against same gendered love & relationships, but
O.M.G.! Kristen Stewart is so sooo
hot that I hate the bitch that's getting all of that temptress!
I can't be the only guy salivating
for her! I love her with no make up
or what appears to be no make up.
Girl, I dream every night with the
hopes of getting bitten by you Baby! I Love your films and hope
that you will have a successful
career. Much Prayers to you and your happiness!
Sorry, Kenworthalads...I'm pretty sure Kristen Stewart really IS one of us. I'm obviously not the only one that notices it. In fact, I've been following these comments and even a few straight girls have commented here about noticing Kristen Stewarts gay vibes. As an out and proud gay girl myself, I can only hope that she comes out of that stuffy little closet of hers soon. Not only is it hot and lonely in there, girls like us need more tomboys to look up to. It seems that the mainstream media has killed off all of the gay girls' favorite tomboys that we used to see on screen in the 80's. Remember Nancy McKeon? Joe from the Facts of Life? What TV producer killed off these chicks and why? Hopefully Kristen fesses up soon, we need her!!!
Kristen's totally gay. I mean, just look at her recent pictures. Her hair. Her clothing. I'm gay and I wear the same things she does.
LMAO @ Anonymous: "But I knew we had more in common than that awful haircut."
Totally so gay, totally so Kate Moennig.
I hate how people try so hard to put Kristen and Rob together... they are two puzzle pieces that just dont fit! He's a vampire and she's a fairy (kuddos to anyone who caught the gay joke) haha. But seriously dykes like kristen stewart should come out of the closet... the weather is just fine out here! AND it helps shut up some of them nasty homophobes... just saying, be a role model, not another ashamed homo.
Omg I have thought this for so long every point you made was like you were reading my freakin mind I dont by the way believe that she was trying to make Rob jealous because in some of the pictures he wasnt even around I do believe that Rod is a cover for her gayness I mean Why dont she just come out with it no one cares we can tell that see likes it like that if anything people will love her more if see does I know I will but Maybe not some of the kids wont like it so much maybe thats why the media keeps it hiden so that the kids wont run from twilight I dont but I do know she is gay if you look up the videos of her and Dakota Fanning you will see everything and Dakota is probably the cause of Reed run off!
P.s. her face tells it all in pictures!
Obiouvsly I have no idea if she is or not...but man I hope so!
I Knowed!
quando vi varias fotos delas muito grudas e o Robert de escanteio, notei de cara!
No doubt about it!
What's it to use anyways?! It's not your life, it's hers! She can be gay if she wants and not tell anyone. It's a thing called privacy! You know the thing were over 70% of Internet users are worried about there privacy! Get a life and come out of your own cupboard.
first, I have no problems or issues or anything about someone's sexuality. None. I have had gay room mates and my sister in law is a lesbian.
Now, Is kristen gay?
i say absolutely
the runaways dvd commentary
If there is anyone anywhere that listens to that and then thinks that she is at least not a bisexual then you are deaf or in denial
she wants" to record her and dakota making out for her won pleasure later" she heard that there are"sexy photos of dakota and wants some for her own collection" she talks about a guy hitting on dakota in the movie and got very protective of her and she thinks she "looks good stoned"
marinate in that for a minute
Her castmate Scout said at her Love Ranch premiere "robsten? i just made a movie with her yeah we are really good friends and she never talked about him and besides she is so over boys" and they were very cozy backstage and then the kissing with Nikki at the VF shot but also I have seen a video on you tube of k and n kissing in the back seat of a car and then looking at the camera and giggling.
and then coachella...she looks like Shaun from the L Word...well same trucker look I have seen a pic of them together and they look very similar...funny
i am sure there is other stuff cant think of it of the top of my head.
She has been "outed" on the covers of some mags in Europe and South Africa as well
I find this so interesting and I hope that she can get out of the whole saga intact. I am sure the 40+ million dollar payday helps
surprised that summit hasnt tried to muzzle her after all the gaydar pings she is getting
I stumbled upon the blog a few days ago, and boy did it blow my mind! After watching a couple of the Runaways exclusive interviews on youtube, I had notice the body language between Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning. Remember that atleast 70% of all communication is non-verbal? I know there has to be something behind closed curtains.
I am 100% Straight, and a girl, I totally see Kristen Jaymes Stewart as being a lesbian, or ATLEAST bisexual. She has stated that she feels more comfortable kissing Dakota, and that she "really liked it" and has even kissed more girls off screen than kissing guys off screen. The chemistry between her and Dakota are so obvious! She finds ways to purposely touch her, pinch her, bite her! Dude come on! She comfortably kisses Nikki Reed off screen, and let's the cameras record every second of it.
Once this Twilight crap is over, and the whole mormon vampire bullshit is over, and the media will stop creating this sick illusion of Kristen and Robert being together, I can't wait to see those TwiHards on their knees.
they're best friends! i dont see how any of these pictures tip off to either of them being gay. Kristen grew up with 3 brothers, so i can see why her a Nikki are so close, Kristen probably sees her as a big sister! And who cares if she let her have a hit of her cig, I see people do that all the time, it doesnt mean they're gay!! And those pictures of the whole cast at the Vanity Fair Photo shoot, big fucking deal, i lean on my friends like that all the time and my friends kiss me on the cheek to pose for pictures, but they arent gay and neither am i! And even if they are gay----which im pretty sure they aren't---who gives a fuck atleasst they're happy.
Poster above. Calm Down. We're just speculating. It's just fun.
The question is: How are you pretty sure they're not gay? Do you know them personally? But oh yeah you don't care. Yeah right.
Anyway, that said, I have heard that Nikki is bi and I really think Kristen probably likes girls too.
"What's it to use anyways?! It's not your life, it's hers! She can be gay if she wants and not tell anyone. It's a thing called privacy! You know the thing were over 70% of Internet users are worried about there privacy! Get a life and come out of your own cupboard."
Have you noticed nobody ever gets this uptight and aggressive when anyone wants to talk about whether males/females are dating? Do you think this person goes onto Robsten sites and gets pissy about people speculating on Kirsten and Robert?
Nope. It's all good unless you're speculating they're gay, in which case it should be 'private'.
And as a basically straight girl who loves my gossip, I'd say there's a helluva lot more chemistry between Nikki Reed and Kristen Stewart than her and any guy. They look so sweet together, kinda made me tear up a little.
wow , me & my bestfriend do stuff like this all the time & we are straight . i definately think nikki and kristen are both straight .
I don't think Kristen and Nikki are gay. They both could be just 'testing the waters', or close friends. Personally, I wouldn't mind if they dated. Hey, maybe Stewart could taking a few acting pointers from Reed. Whatever their relationship is, They're still both beautiful women, successful, and talented.
"wow , me & my bestfriend do stuff like this all the time & we are straight . i definately think nikki and kristen are both straight ."
Umm, well you might need to re-asses if you're entirely 'straight' if you do 'this stuff' (necking none stop, calling one another 'girlfriend' on national TV, buying 'a ring', and slow kissing in cars when you think no-ones watching) 'all the time'.
Sound familiar?
Did anybody watch the commentary for the movie, "The Runaways"? There's alot of hints going on between the conversation between Dakota (who turns red, quite often from Kristen's comments), Kristen, and Joan. Especially in some moments where Kristen becomes super protective of Dakota kissing and erotically dancing with a male actor on-screen. Kristen definetly gives off the vibes of being gay. She's totally protective of her sexuality but that's only because of the Twilight phenomena, I can't wait until its over. I love her has an indie actress. In some interviews on YouTube, with Dakota, they are totally comfortable with eachother, i know Dakota isn't gay, but they would make a good couple. Kristen may have a thing for her girl co-stars, including Nikki Reed, or whatever happened to that girl.
You know, you people are doing the exact same thing that you claim Summit is doing. If she's straight, so what. If she's gay, more power to her. I just don't think it's right for us to be judging her based off of simple "evidence" such as pictures. Girls post pictures on myspace all the time that show they're acting like complete sluts... but are they always so slutty? Okay so most of them are, what I'm saying is, a picture says a thousand words. But how do we know for sure what Kristen's pictures with Nikki are really saying?
I am a lesbian as well. I think kristen is full om gay. Period. No bi there at all. Her mannerisms scream it. Theres nothing girly at all about her. But it makes her extremely sexy. Im the same way. I dont look gay at all until i actually start talking lol. My mannerisms totally blow my cover. I know a lesbian when i see one. I have called out alot of my friends who were never even suspected of being this way. Its obvious without the pics of nikki reed. And as far as she goes...shes not gay at all. Shes a party lesbian. Only gay when shes drinking. They probably messed around for a few months and nikki realized that kristen may actually be gay and dipped out. Every lesbian has been in that situation.
Okay, for those who are doubtful (or maybe in denial), who would ever google 'is Blake Lively a lesbian' or 'is Hayden Panitierre a lesbian'? NO ONE. Because Kristen's straight contemporaries (like Blake and Hayden) doesn't give off that 'lesbian vibe' at all. Why are we so doubtful about Kristen's sexuality? Maybe because there is something to be doubtful about. And why is her lesbianism even an issue? Why do we ask these questions that we don't ask to those who are not? WHYYYYYYY!
Because Kristen is a lesbian.
OMG! her boyish way drives me crazy.the way she touches her hair, her voice, the way she explains things with her waiving hands, she is hot with brains. and boy oh my! i just don`t buy this patzz bullsh*&%$. don`t know why she keeps playing it. i think he is such a weak guy, nothing comparing to her, it looks like he is the girl in the "relation". Come on Kris there is a whole world just sitting waiting wishing for you! At least I am. every single minute.
Rob Pattinson is not more than friends with her and just a gentle, loyal and nice guy. Rob has more love and passion to share than you know. He is just not sharing it with just anyone as he has spoken about waiting for the right person, soul mates, his strong faith and just wanting to wait until all the hype does down. around the 3:00 point. He also said he was celibate in the fall of 2008 at UK Twi premier. There is nothing wrong with Rob. He just has class and believes in commitment first. Watch him on Ellen 2008. He has changed but is still the same nice and moral guy. Cheers to him!
This is how Kristen rolls.
My dislike for her started when she started behaving so badly in the interviews, in print, at events. She is a really bad role model and one ungrateful nasty piece of work. She does care for Rob a lot but everybody loves Rob. It is hard not too. He is a sweetheart and got caught in a weird situation. He is ready to have his life back but has to cover for her open gayness and slip ups so that Breaking Dawn does well. Watching her kiss Rob is as sexy as watching Rob kiss in Little Ashes. Uncomfortable looking. This girl did a head trip on Rob and cheated on Michael (if she ever was with him. The reason she is so angry and weird around Rob (up until lately when Summit said knock it off or else) is because she thought she could fool him. The girl is a fake, punk and a loose cannon.
Oh!c`mon! I think Rob is a complete fool for Kristen (look the way he glances her) and that she likes and respect the love he has for her. And cuz of all this hype going on she just can`t have a life for now and it`s good for business that she keeps the relation at least for now and then when this twi-teen-freak-mania is over she will do whatever she likes with her life. I don`t think rob is for her, she is a woman and he is just her teddy bear. I`v had tons of teddy bears before accepting my gayness. rob sure is a sweetheart but that`s as far as it goes.
This message is in response to the above comment. You are forgetting that Rob is an actor! Maybe he's acting when he looks at her like that. Trust me, I'm a true, bonefied gay-girl and I happen to know that straight guys are turned off by real lesbians. In fact, some of them are even appalled by it. Straight men only like party lesbians and judging by the number of people on this website who have gotten gay vibes from Kristen Stewart, I can almost guarantee that she does not fit in to the drunk girl lesbian category. Let's be realistic people, there are straight MEN, straight girls, and lesbians who have all posted comments on this site about Kristen's gayness!!! What does that tell you?! There are a few straight girls out there that are (for whatever unfortunate reasons) are butch, but any girl who gives off as many gay vibes as Kristen Steart does is a tried and true, bonefied D-Y-K-E. I don't mind though, because she's totally hot!. I can't wait till this Twihard hype is over. Hopefully she'll have enough balls to come out. We all know the truth. Kristen Stewart is about as straight as Kate Moening!
hey sweet life! i`m the anonymous up there...well you are right about rob beeing an actor and all,i just completely forgot it, but yet i`m not sure, i just don`t get the gay vibe from him. after all he know...european (and believe me they can be really sensitive to the point of gay looking) and a very good actor as well.hehe. I`m a full on lesbian and as it concerns to her there is no doubt she is one of ours and definitively she does not fit in the party-lesbian category.that`s for nikki reed. well sweets...i really like your post and i can clearly see your point and for now we can just hope someday she has the balls to come out as you said. see you, Manu.
hey sweet life! i`m the anonymous up there...well you are right about rob beeing an actor and all,i just completely forgot it, but yet i`m not sure, i just don`t get the gay vibe from him. after all he know...european (and believe me they can be really sensitive to the point of gay looking) and a very good actor as well.hehe. I`m a full on lesbian and as it concerns to her there is no doubt she is one of ours and definitively she does not fit in the party-lesbian category.that`s for nikki reed. well sweets...i really like your post and i can clearly see your point and for now we can just hope someday she has the balls to come out as you said. see you, Manu.
she is not gay!!
there are alot of girls thats real close and hug nothings wrong wit that.and
there is alot of girls thats tomboyish. im one of them!
not all girls like wearing dresses and hills ehh... whats wrong wearing vans and converses its awesome. not all girls are barbies ugh.... xD --heather g. md
oke...realy? kristen stewart is soooo gay! you can tell if you look at her own style of dressing!
all the photo's from red carpet shoot is just for the media!she so not ready to come out jet!just wait and you'll see!
she is not open about her life at this moment because she is a rising star!
but everybody with GAYdar could feel it!!
looooovvvvveeee heeeerrrr!!
I completely agree. My gaydar has gone off ever since the first twilight movie.
I just came across your blog today and I love it. I think you make great points here and the photos themselves say a lot. Of course, it's just speculation, but if she is gay, come on out. It's nearly 2012 already and I can honestly say, I wouldn't think any differently of here.
I feel like Kristin and Nikki are the new Jenny Schecter and Nikki Stevens.
i wonder why does this website : have the same post as bit by bit.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Anonymous. :o)
This Robert-fan simply took my entire post and posted on their own blog, so this is the first I've heard of it :o/
I'm not thrilled about it, since the right thing to do is simply mention my post and link to it, but I guess they wanted to keep people on their own site. ;o)
- GG
She certainly appears to have the lesbian finger length ratio, her index finger looks significantly shorter than her ring finger (most straight women have the two the same length or the index finger is longer). Of course not every one believes this means anything...
I don't think she is gay but still its funny how you people are getting gay vibes from her cause you want her to be your ~Hollywood idol or something rofl.She started dating Mike when she was 14 or 15 which was way before she became a star so yeah that was not a fake relationship meant to hide dyke Kristen.Just cause she is not girly doesnt mean she is gay.I'm not girly at all but I'm also not gay.Plus she has joked about being a lesbo and no closet lesbo jokes about THAT.
As far as ~so many people agreeing with her being gay on this board lol I'm sure some of them are K haters who hate her for dating Rob.This has been thier excuse since 2009 to " debunk" the relationship.You can see it for yourself in the hate blog link someone posted above.
And also I have to say that some of the comments are so damn funny like the one which says that K and N are lesbian because they are on phone with each other non- stop,N gave K a ring,they call each other GF (which is copyrighted lesbo thing right,right? *eyeroll*) and they were slowly kissing each other when they though that.nobody was watching. R O F L I've seen the vid, K and N caught some fans stalking with a cam and decided to mess with them by first looking straigh into camera and ~kissing... while the cameras flashed.Idk if they actually kissed or not since it was dark in vid and u coudnt really see anything.Anyway I have to ask that person who made that comment -How do you.know the stuff about non stop calling ,ring and other BS? Anything to prove your point huh? *eyeroll*
You know, I used to think that Kristen was gay too but now I also think she's straight. I was one of the main fans of Kristen BECAUSE I thought she was a lesbian. When I saw those rumors about her and Rob I just KNEW that those were meant to cover up the fact that she really liked girls. I still do not believe that she is really with him, but I don't think she is gay anymore since I saw the pics of her and her real boyfriend.
Also, I wanted her to be gay because se reminded me of the girls I liked when I thought I was gay. I went through thos really long phase where I was dating girls I've had several girlfriends and even liked a certain type for years (Kristen Stewart was my type), then one day it just slipped away and I didn't feel that way about females anymore. It's really strange I know and I'm not sure why I went through that phase. I'm not religious so it has nothing to do with me finding "Jesus" or anything like that.
Maybe Kristsen was going through a similar phase where she really identified as a tomboy. Not sure if she actually liked females or not (there are several intimate photos of her and Nikki), only Kristen herself knows that, but judging by her style it is really easy to see why someone would get gay vibes from her.
"Help a sister out Charlize..." Did you see Kirstens face when she said this during the MTV movie awards where she (how funny) won the award for best kiss?! Need we say more?! :D
Hi everyone,
Doesn't anyone remember they're own comming out. I mean, it's already difficult for yourself to understand, so for family and friends is also difficult. Plus the country where you live in has to be gayfriendly and if you're an actrice or actor is more difficult, because there a camera's all the time, trying to be the first to roll the dice. But what people don't know is that when it's comming out by press, it means also that you're personal live is falling in peaces. Especially when there are people like father, mother, family or friends witch you love hating or won't forgive you for comming out. Yes i would like to know if Kirsten Stewart is gay, but i think her live by not disturbing these things is more important than my curiousity.
okay, i didn't read every comment because that'd be annoying. I'm 24 and a lesbian, and believe in it that today you really cant go stereotyping people anymore. guys, just think back, before the runaways no one ever questioned Kristens sexuality. everyone was crazy about her and Robert being together even tho she still is with her boyfriend. and as for Nicki, my very straight best friend and me have far more intimate pictures taken of us than them and we still weren't ever together and no one suspected it. their friends,thats it you need to grow up. and as for the media, i work in Germany in a tabloid paper and i can just guess but I'm pretty sure they are not hiding her sexuality with changing the articles and throwing her surrounded by men at us. i just think that the twilight population is in their teenagers, and they need to still buy her image as Bella, Kristen crazy over Robert it sells. they are hiding the lesbian rumors because as sad as it is, the last movie wouldn't sell as good if suddenly everyone would think she's gay. but that still doesn't mean that she is, thats the whole point. people need to grow up. as soon as an actress plays a lesbian role there are always rumors about her being gay in real life. our human population is getting more stupid with every new generation and the lesbian out there like to dream and put a gay stamp on everyone. like i said, I'm gay too but i can still say loving Annabelle was a horrible movie, the l word sucked and Kristen isn't gay neither is Nicki without being less a lesbian. i just have my own mind and sadly, really sadly, the lesbian fandom grasps annoyingly on every straw. annoying.
okay, i didn't read every comment because that'd be annoying. I'm 24 and a lesbian, and believe in it that today you really cant go stereotyping people anymore. guys, just think back, before the runaways no one ever questioned Kristens sexuality. everyone was crazy about her and Robert being together even tho she still is with her boyfriend. and as for Nicki, my very straight best friend and me have far more intimate pictures taken of us than them and we still weren't ever together and no one suspected it. their friends,thats it you need to grow up. and as for the media, i work in Germany in a tabloid paper and i can just guess but I'm pretty sure they are not hiding her sexuality with changing the articles and throwing her surrounded by men at us. i just think that the twilight population is in their teenagers, and they need to still buy her image as Bella, Kristen crazy over Robert it sells. they are hiding the lesbian rumors because as sad as it is, the last movie wouldn't sell as good if suddenly everyone would think she's gay. but that still doesn't mean that she is, thats the whole point. people need to grow up. as soon as an actress plays a lesbian role there are always rumors about her being gay in real life. our human population is getting more stupid with every new generation and the lesbian out there like to dream and put a gay stamp on everyone. like i said, I'm gay too but i can still say loving Annabelle was a horrible movie, the l word sucked and Kristen isn't gay neither is Nicki without being less a lesbian. i just have my own mind and sadly, really sadly, the lesbian fandom grasps annoyingly on every straw. annoying.
>>before the runaways no one ever questioned Kristens sexuality.<<
I thought she was a lesbian in the making the first time I ever saw her in Panic Room with Jodie Foster when she was 12. She just had something very boyish about her. Still, I thought she might just be a tomboy. When I then saw her in a film (not sure which one) as an adult, I observed her again. Even though she had long hair and make up and looked more ostensibly feminine, I still thought there was something gay about her, her voice, a expressions etc. Even now, with all the fuss over the supposed affair with her director, I still think she is.
Kristen Stewart has finally responded to rumors that she's a favorite to play Anastasia Steele.
Movie Fifty shades
Kristen Stewart is perfect actress to play Anastasia Steele
I am so glad i enjoyed Christian and Ana's story .
Anastasia Steele
Wow! she's beautiful no matter what you do ...try it with her with robert it's looks cool i'm sure...
Anastasia Steele
well, well, we are. after years of speculating...well, actually, we all knew she was gay from the beginning. and for the naysayers?
Kristen is "so gay, dude".
Kristen pretends to have it all together. She is confused which is all the same with most bisexual women. She will be dating a guy in less then 5 years. That is a no brainer.
People said the same about Amber Heard. She was another who claimed to be gay and next thing you know she is marrying Johnny Depp. Bisexual women bad at making decisions. Kristen will date a guy again, you watch. 5 years or less.
How things would have been different if Kristen would have stopped the guessing games 8 years ago. She would have hurt less fans. Some fans set themselves up to crush on her thinking it was harmless, because she was straight.Now they have see her with chics and feel painful jealousy and possible confusion about their own sexuality. I think being a Krisbian was more fun, when she was straight. Not one single fan will ever date her. All you get to do is watch her do it with other women. At least before she was with men and women can't compete with men. Also, Robsten fans thinking that RK are married with Kids crowd would not have any ability to keep it going, if Kristen had just come out years earlier before "HKN" started her shit. Kristen played this out all wrong and her career might suffer eventually.
She should have come out in 2009! The guessing games went on for way too long. I think she is very confused. She will be with all the gay women in Hollywood at the rate she is going. She seemed much more stable with men.
The problem with Kristen Stewart is the director yells cut and she just keeps acting. She is a phony. She is so "NOT" gay. I agree she is in a bisexual phase.
Oh well
Oh boy
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