Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday I'm in Love

Oh yes, it's that time of the week again and I'm still stuck on shipping.

However, sometimes - more often than not these days... or years, really - I find myself quoting 'Brokeback Mountain' and thinking "I wish I knew how to quit you" when it comes to my dear Callie Torres and Arizona Robbins shipping heart.

But then something will come along that gets my Calzona dreams going again.

This time around it's an awesome fan-made video set to a beautiful Adele song.

This makes me a Calzona believer all over again.

With love of Friday,
- GayGirl

Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday I'm in Love

Welcome to this week's edition of Friday I'm in Love... with these ships!

But in order to keep myself in line, I've decided to focus on the three C's that are Calzona, Clexa and Cophine.

Ah yes, it used to be amazing heartbreaks and sweet moment and coming together again for Callie Torres and Arizona Robbins, but these past years it's been pretty much down hill.

calzona shower kiss
Ah yes, the good ol' days
Grey's Anatomy creator, Shonda Rhimes, used to say the were MFEO [Made For Each Other], but she pretty much seems to have forgotten all about that.

calzona praying for the gay
Calzona praying for the gay

And really, where is Sofia? Their daughter, who mysteriously never needs either of her moms since they're both working, dating and/or over-coming yet another tragedy at the same time.

But when they were good, they were good.

callie torres eyesex
Callie Torres can undress with her eyes perfectly
Fairly new ship from The 100 (not the one-hundred. just 'the hundred', which still really irks me!), where Clarke Griffin and Commander Lexa have become increasingly close.
clexa kiss
Yup, that's pretty close

clexa kissing
And so it became canon

But this is a ship that the creator, Jason Rothenberg, ships at least as much as the fans, and so far he's using the show's third season to make Clexa fanfiction come true.

clexa season 3
How they're keeping it going

There's no doubt that the immediate online fanbase was a huge part of the Orphan Black success. And while the success on sites like Tumblr was absolutely due to Tatiana Maslany's amazing ability to portray 80% of the characters in the cast, it quickly became obvious that especially one of the characters she played (science geek, Cosima Niehaus) was getting a lot of attention because of her relationship with another character, (follow science geek puppy, Delphine Cormier) and together they became Cophine.

cophine first kiss
The first kiss had Delphine quite surprised

cophine second kiss
The second kiss had Delphine in charge
Now, as we prepare for the fourth season of Orphan Black there's been an almost alarming lack of publicity for the show - especially compared to last year, when Twitter and Tumblr were fed clips and images to build up a frenzy.

cophine first kiss season 3
The first kiss of season 3
cophine last kiss
The last kiss of season 3
Personally, I'm convinced it's simply because they don't want to reveal too much of how Delphine will be part of the story. Season three ended on a cliffhanger, but I have hope for the puppy turned wolf.
Cophine kiss sitting
I better see you two lovebirds soon!

So, who are you shipping? And what's your favorite ship?

With love for Friday,
- GayGirl

Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday I'm in love

Or FIIL cause everything needs to have an acronym these days

After two full years without any posts - mostly due to my love for Tumblr - I've had to acknowledge my own shortcomings. But in the face of overwhelming evidence that I can't follow-through, I've decided that I need to pull myself together and set some goals.

This is the result: Every Friday I'll present you with something that makes my little GayGirl heart soar over the rainbow with joy.

Inspired by Dorothy Snarker's Weekend Crush (after all, they do say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery) and also because it's a good way to end any week; With love!

Anyway, to start off this new endeavor, I've decided on something that I remember with fondness... actually, I think it may have made me gay. I'm kidding (obviously!), I know I was born this way - but maybe I realized early on that I was gay because of this.

I am talking about women in suspenders!

So without any further ado, here's GayGirl's very first edition of Friday I'm In Love

My current favorite image is probably this one of Hayley Atwell

Hayley Atwell in suspenders
Agent Carter could rock this look on her down time
And of course, I should include Kristen Stewart, since she always seems to come up whenever I search for anything gay adjecent

Rock n' Roll suspenders

And also this image, we might call "Flirting with myself"

Kristen Stewart gender bender image Elle
Maybe KStew has a thing for suspenders as well
 My first memory of finding a woman in suspenders extraordinarily intriguing belongs to Courtney Cox from an episode of Family Ties
The best image I could find, I'm afraid

Of course, the fact that my only other memory of this girl was from the Bruce Springsteen video Dancing in the Dark where she looks like the cutest baby dyke, so I can't really be blamed

Courtney Cox music video Bruce Springsteen
Look at that cute little androgynous cutie
And finally, someone we'd love to call one of us - and she certainly always stands with us in any fight - the wonderful Sarah Shahi

Okay, that could be a gun-holster, but I'm not complaining

With love for Friday,
- GayGirl

Monday, February 8, 2016

Person of Interest: Shoot me, please!

I know, I know, I'm a little late to the party, but I've finally surrendered to the amount of 'Person of Interest' gifs on Tumblr featuring Shaw and Root - or Shoot, if you will, though that shipper-name it not good for searching anything, anywhere!

Regardless of the less than searchable shipper-name, it has been a pleasure getting into this show, which has had the added bonus of becoming one of my all-time favorite shows. I mean, I absolutely adore the storylines and ALL the character. Even the (very few) episodes that seem like complete fillers, are still a good source of entertainment.

And while I must admit that I do LOVE Root and Shaw's interactions with the awesome flirtatious and sarcastic ways, I'm also crazy about their individual characters! I mean, I really like these characters. So much so that I enjoy their separate storylines as well, which honestly isn't the case very often.

How can you not love these two idiots?!

Anyway, because I've had the extreme privilege of binge-watching 'Person of Interest' on Netflix, it's a complete and welcomed overload. The first 4 glorious full seasons have left me completely enamored and now I'm jonessing for some more. Badly! Obviously, I'm thrilled that Shaw and Root will be back on, when the show returns for a short season 5, but the REAL hope is that Netflix will pick up the show and continue the journey that CBS have started us all on.

Who would have thought that what is essentially a mainstream - albeit very intelligent and creepily relevant - crime show, would end up having it's two main female characters falling for one another. Finally, someone who sees the chemistry and just goes there! Lord knows the two actresses certainly did and played it that way from their very first scene together...

And the fact that these two ladies are already fan favorites with cult followings from other shows doesn't hurt. We have Sarah Shahi from 'The L Word' fame (Carmen de la Pica Morales was actually one of my favorite characters on the show) as the tiny kick-ass lethal weapon Sameen Shaw and Amy Acker from Joss Whedon's 'Angel' and 'Dollhouse' (among several other shows) as the super-intelligent human computer Root - her name is Samantha Groves, but you should definitely call her Root!

We understand, Amy, but control the gay!

I guess maybe I also just love the show because Root and Shaw's relationships reminds me of how Wifey and I started out - I'm Root in this analogy, by the way. Oh no, there was no violence, but the overt and over the top flirting, when we were one supposed to be friends, is definitely the same.

So basically, I'm just saying they would be perfect for one another and should live happily ever after.

Also, if you're not watching Person of Interest yet, then you really need to start now before season 5 takes over the world - online anyway. Oh, and when you've finished bingewatching and need something to tie you over while you wait for the new season, then I highly recommend fanfiction. You won't be disappointed with Caged Animals by BlondeQ, so I suggest you start there - though of course, it's always dangerous to start out with the best, so do try to pace yourself.

Prepare to fall in love. Also, you're welcome!
- GayGirl