Friday, November 14, 2008

I will... But I really can't

To sleep a night without my Wifey, is something I've always said I wouldn't do... Actually, it's something we've always said WE wouldn't do. And still, that's what I'll do for one night next week.

I can't... I mean I REALLY don't want to, but I will. It's a business trip and 36 hours are jam-packed with more meetings than I can count, and in two different countries. So three plane rides, a few train and cab rides, different time zones and one night in a hotel later, I'll be back.
Wifey is okay with it... I can't really say that I am, but I'll still do it.

However, I'll only be able to sleep because I'm completely exhausted, which I will no doubt be. Dreaming of Wifey... and wearing a shirt that she's "fragranizing" for me a few days before I leave. ;o)

So in love... and so very, very torn!
- GayGirl

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