Sunday, May 30, 2010
Image of Sunday
And my inspiration for this gay theme - as if I needed one - is Rihanna's new music video for the song "Te Amo", which is wonderfully gay. And of course, it's the bonus of this week, so please... Enjoy!
- GG
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Image of Sunday
For the above reason - and so very many others - this is the image that will decorate my desktop for the following week:

For a larger version of this image, simply click it... anywhere you'd like!
Bonus images are of course those of the before mentioned kiss - if only it'd been a true French kiss! ;o)

Have a gay week,
- GG
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The good and the bad
The film mysteriously got postponed after both actresses had mentioned it in interviews, but the more the lesbian rumors surfaced, the more the two had to be kept completely separate. First Nikki Reed wasn't part of the promotion tour for the Twilight movies [read my outing of this here]. In fact, the picture here below is from just such an event, where she showed up even though it wasn't planned - you can read about it at JustJared - and then they were inseparable... as usual:
Latest thing is that now she has dropped out (or probably been removed) from the next movie she would be making with Kristen. It all seems and sounds very umm odd... to put it mildly.
Very bad - and sad - news indeed, but the powers that be [*cough* Summit Entertainment] are obviously very persistent about keeping them completely apart.
And the good news? The other sweet couple [of BFF's] I'm keeping my eye on - Dianna Agron and Lea Michele from Glee - both made it onto the AfterEllen 2010 Hot 100 list. YAY, how wonderful and GAY!!!
Lea Michele came in at #16, which means she made her debut to the Hot 100 list on the exact same place as Kristen Stewart did the year before... I see a pattern. Let's hope Dianna Agron won't suddenly be forced out of all Glee promotion and kept away from Lea.
And speaking of Dianna Agron, she came in at a very impressive #26
#1 went to Olivia Wilde and Kristen Stewart came in at a very impressive #2 (like I mentioned before, she had her debut on the list last year at #16).
Congratulations to all the Hot 100 women that made the list - and all the gorgeous and wonderful women that didn't as well. ;o)
- GG
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Image of Sunday
Anyway, I often find pictures that I can't quite figure out how to fit into a post... I just know I want to share them cause they're hot or funny (or both, LOL), so here's my first Image of Sunday:
I REALLY can't wait for summer... I'm preparing this post while it's raining and the sky is a very depressing grey, and this image just brightens up my mood. What can I say? I'm a sucker for luscious green grass, a beautiful woman, white tank tops, fingers and lips in unison and a quotation tattoo placed in a hot spot... Basically, this image just covers a whole lotta stuff I really like - and lust for. That's probably why I've already told my Wifey that we need to recreate this photo with her as the model.
Hmm, I might find it difficult to change this wallpaper in a week already, but I guess I'll just have to find something equally good... The pressure is on, huh?!
Btw, speaking of tattoos just now, I'd like to officially let it be known that I'm getting one before the summer is over. It will be my second and Wifey will get her first (around the same area where Angelina has her cross in the image above). I know I'm getting a quote and it won't be my last.
Only problem is that I haven't quite decided on which quote to get for my first quotation tattoo. I'm a bit of a nerdy girl, when it comes to quotes and I have 3-5 quotes I know I want to get somewhere on my body. Anyway, I'll get back to you on that.
Have a beautiful week!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Happy Cinco de Gayo
- GG
Monday, May 3, 2010
Coming out… with an album and a memoir!

The one good thing is that YAY, IT’S A GIRL!!! Other than that – and pardon my French – but who the fuck are you again? Now, usually, I’m not really pissy about people coming out, and I can definitely see the good in this one as well and have heard following examples:
1) Nobody really saw it coming
2) She’s pretty hot and could be a great poster child for coming out gay later on
3) She’s one of the first country stars to do this
And this is where I start to feel pissy, because if it’s so important for you to come out, then why the hell can’t you do it without having an album and a book to promote? I guess helping out the young LGBTQ people in the true blue Country-lovin’ states wasn’t so very damn important to you, when you had nothing to gain. And again, who the fuck are you? Oh, I know, I just need to buy your album and memoirs to find out. Right?!

If you do this at the height of your career (hat tip @ Ellen DeGeneres and Neil Patrick Harris, who have both gotten even bigger careers after coming out) or when you have nothing to gain financially from it right now (Ricky Martin), then I will worship the ground you walk on, but this is just plain business. I mean, right now this just seems like the best way for Chely Wright to get more publicity than money can buy.
I suggest you start by giving back to your community right now. I’m sure the Human Rights Campaign or ANY other LGBT friendly cause would gladly accept your donations. Do that and I’ll believe you weren’t just in it for the money. Otherwise, why didn’t you come out sooner? I really wish you had and I didn’t feel robbed like this.
Despite everything... Congratulations on coming out, I really do wish you all the best.

- Gay Girl
Girl with the Tiger Tattoo

We've already seen how she can go to that extremely dark place in “Gia” (a bit too dark for her own good probably). And we know she wouldn't have the slightest problem with kissing another woman (again). Let's take a short trip down memory lane, shall we?
Confession time: Angelina Jolie is one of my all time favorite actors. I started out with “Foxfire” and it was litterally love [or lust?] at first sight. After that I was going crazy waiting for “Gia”. This was back when no one knew who the hell she was. And I mean NO one. “Angelina who?” was the usual response, when I was letting people know that I couldn’t wait for this movie about the supermodel Gia. Well, no one except for the lesbian community that is, cause there were plenty of fanpages and discussions forums filled with lesbians going crazy over this woman – and this was way back in 1998, when the Internet was just a toddler. Ahh yes, forget the gay boys being first movers, the gay girls have been the true pioneers of the Internet when it comes to anything that isn’t porn or downloading music.

Anyway, after "Tomb Raider" everyone knew who she was, but already after "Gia" people started recognizing her name because this new girl started winning every major award she was nominated for.
Anyway, back on track... Despite the fact that only very young actresses are being mentioned as contenders for the title role in "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", I still think Angelina Jolie could pull the role off today. I mean, Noomi Rapace is from 1979, so Kristen Stewart is more than 10 years younger while Jolie is just 4 years older than the original Lisbeth Salander. Unfortunately, I just really doubt Jolie would do it now, and people would have huge preconceived notions about how she’d do it… then again, it would be the perfect way to prove everyone wrong.
Dreaming on,
- GG
Sunday, May 2, 2010
I’m not so sure now

I just saw “An Education” which was the movie (or rather, her role in the movie) that landed Carey Mulligan an Oscar nomination. And after having seen the movie, I must admit, it was much deserved. It is truly a wonderful movie, and she just shines! I don’t know if she’d be perfect for Lisbeth Salander, but seeing her portray a 16 year old (she’s 23 herself) with such conviction made me think she can definitely pull it off.
But then I saw a clip from “Hard Candy” where Ellen Page is ABSOLUTELY brilliant, and then I can’t help but think she is perfect for the Lisbeth Salander role. I mean, in many ways she really IS Lisbeth Salander in “Hard Candy” – well, apart from the whole Goth/Punk look with tattoos and piercings, of course.

The reason Kristen Stewart remains an obvious possibility actually has nothing to do with her acting, but more so the fact that she looks and acts like Lisbeth Salander when she’s just being Kristen Stewart in public. She’s awkward, shy and quiet, but you can see her mind is going a million miles a minute (maybe struggling to keep that closet door closed and simply not wanting to be in the public eye in the first place).

It just seems that she is already the character, so she’ll do an amazing job – plus, she’d get to kiss more females, if they stay true to the books and Swedish adaptations. ;o)
What do you think?
- GG