I've loved her book "Little Girl Lost" since I first read it many years ago, and she has come so very far - both personally and professionally. Usually, I say either "my Drew" or "that's me" when I see her. The first because I'm proud of the things she does and the second because she always wears outfits that would look great on me. :oP Now, I would need to get in better shape and go to the hairdresser a lot more often to tame my WILD hair - my hair is the one thing about me my Wifey can't tame, LOL - but other than that there is quite a good resemblance. ;o)
Oh, Drew, if only you would "turn gay" it would be the coolest day. Not because I'd trade Wifey in for you (or anyone one else), but I would just be so proud to have you on our team. Hmm, then again, I suppose we already have that. :o)
Rock ON with your bad self and God(dess) bless you, Drew Barrymore!
One happy homo-camper,
- GayGirl
P.S. I am SO back... Can you feel my blogging-mojo? ;o)